Tuesday, December 10, 2024

A Change of Name Addendum

I lost the TORAWARE.COM domain name. 

(If you don't catch the expiration time, someone will snatch it up to make money.)

Instead I purchased the TORAWARE.ORG name. That's good now for at least 10 years.

Please visit my site and take it for a spin.

This Jewish New Year -- May the Hostages Be Freed Already

 Re: the Gematria of 

תהי׳ה שנת פדיון השבויים

Here's a finding that hints at the present tragic status of hostages being held in Gaza by the worst of terrorists.

Of many phrases that suit this Jewish new year's acronym for 5785, תשפ׳׳ה, this one fits well:
תהי׳ה שנת פדיון השבויים
This "predictive" Hebrew phrase, with a Gematria of 1693, matches 3 verses in all of Torah. 
(In Nach itself there are 8 more such gematria "hits".) 

1) Vayigash (45:15)
ינשק לכל אחיו ויבך עלהם ואחרי כן דברו אחיו אתו

2) Emor (21:2) 
כי אם לשארו הקרב אליו לאמו ולאביו ולבנו ולבתו ולאחיו 

3) Emor (21:11)
ועל כל נפשת מת לא יבא לאביו ולאמו לא יטמא 

Note how all these verses 
-- deal with family members;
-- kissing and crying over them; 
-- And of course the dead too are remembered. 

 May it happen very very soon. May God protect them!


Only 1 verse in all of Torah has this gematria value when using the "At-Bash" valuation of the letters:

12.  But if it does not make peace with you, and it wages war against you, you shall besiege it, יבוְאִם־לֹ֤א תַשְׁלִים֙ עִמָּ֔ךְ וְעָֽשְׂתָ֥ה עִמְּךָ֖ מִלְחָמָ֑ה וְצַרְתָּ֖ עָלֶֽיהָ:

Here you have a clear warning to destroy the enemy if they don't cooperate!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Toraware Retires for Now

It's necessary to keep up with fresh demands on developers, by both Google and Apple, throughout the years. It's not as if you create a successful app and that's it. No. These companies that shelve developers' products in their "play stores" keep insisting developers change their adjunct code because they are changing their platforms continuously. They do no grandfather in so OUR code will work no matter the new future changes they make in THEIR platforms.

I wanted an App, created one and figured that's it. So I could go on and indulge in other hobbies.

Nope. To have an app always available, the developer must remain actively involved, even if the "developer" is really not into coding all his life and wants to pursue entirely other fields.

So, my Toraware app is no longer available and cannot be downloaded from the Play Stores. If I want to use the app now, I can only do so because I have it in my own computer. Those things that make it non-functional at the Play Stores really has nothing to do with my program's code!

THUS my progress notes on toraware dot com comes to an end (for now at least).