Thursday, December 29, 2016

Entire Tanach Now Available

Boruch Hashem, I'm ecstatic to report that all of Tanach is now accessible.

Note: If you want to search all of Tanach, set the 1st parameter (Start) to
בראשית, and the 2nd parameter (End) to דברי הימים ב׳.
The default range set, if left unchanged, starts with בראשית and ends with וזאת הברכה.

The database (the entire תנ׳׳ך), as I configured it, stands at 3.0 Mb. (That's not too bad considering there are roughly 1,200,000 letters in Tanach.)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hoshea and Amos

Pumped out Hoshea and Amos to join the database.

Update: Yoel too is now included.

Finally - First Comment from a Surfer

Finally I got a comment, from a friend who's long been involved in computerization.
He wrote "The look and feel AND human interface is beautiful!"

He made my day!

The program is a neat browser program that uses only 3 (dynamically configured) pages;
A Home page, an Options page and a Results page.

All commentary is welcome!

Wishing everyone a
  Happy \\\\|//// !

Monday, December 19, 2016

Melachim A & B and Esther Included

Boruch Hashem, Sefer Melachim has now been added to the database.

Also added Esther! I'm on a roll.

The database size now is 2.3 Mb. I say this wondering how much my program can bare a burden. It's interesting because on the face of it, from its external appearance (of Home Page, Options Page or Results Page), nothing has changed (just that its load is now rather heavier than last time).

Saturday, December 17, 2016


Boruch Hashem, this one more sefer is now included into the database, whose size now stands at 1.8 Mb.
Also added Yirmiyahu; Database now at 2Mb.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Gematria of Donald John Trump

After 2,000 years of Jewish exile, the world is in transformation, becoming what will be for its remnant Jewry a utopia (dubbed the "Era of the Complete and Irreversible Redemption"). This process seems easier to detect with time. The Jewish People, and in turn the rest of the world, are now in Redemptive mode with things advancing rapidly.

“Gematrias” and the like, which many “Geulah” blogs herald as indicative or significant, I find rather amateurish because they post their facts after the fact, and, more importantly, their results are speculative. The one I present here is similarly speculative. The find is never a clear one.

With "Trump findings" too, results are wishy-washy, as for example when they use only part of his name. I suppose people feel enchanted by a mathematically divine sanction.

Here’s one I found, for what it’s worth. I present it only because it's rather timely and maybe because I'm just hopeful.

The name used here, of paternal association, as gentile identity is considered, is:
"Donald John son of Fredrick Christ Trump".

The Hebrew gematria of this name
דונאלד גון בן פרדריק קרייסט טראמפ
is 1519.

Two successive possukim in Tehillim (136:17-18) add up to that sum.
Here’s the finding:
You can test this for yourself* at!
למכה מלכים גדלים כי לעולם חסדו
ויהרג מלכים אדירים כי לעולם חסדו
To Him Who smote great kings, for His kindness is eternal.
And slew mighty kings, for His kindness is eternal.

For what it’s worth, it could be understood as - referring to a mighty power who smites the mightiest  opposition and breaks the hold of tyrannical government, by the grace of God.

And just who might these felled giants be? The War of Gog & Magog is, after all, now ongoing (link). Seems to me it suggests that Donald Trump, a special soul, a good man of decent intentions, is a messenger of God, sent to pave the way for humanity to appreciate goodness and kindness, and to protect the Jewish People, in the specific era that debuts just before the Era of Ultimate Redemption materializes in all its glory.

(This, in contrast to the scum that preceded him, who, had his ilk succeeded in wresting away the presidency, aimed to submerge America and the world into an abysmal destiny. (See HERE for such insights.)

* On toraware's Option Page, pick these options to see the above result:

Corrections in Yehoshua

Sorry to say I found kri-ksiv errors in my Yehoshua database, and now hopefully they're gone!

(Minor Facial Change:
There is Parshat "Shoftim", and then there is the Sefer "Shoftim", so I made appropriate textual changes to distinguish the two.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Corrected Code in Gematria's At-Bash Method

I found a hard-to-explain bug in my "at-bash" code.

The user's input is turned into an "at-bash" value, but the search results should be based on regular values (and not on their own at-bash values, as I had it).

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Shoftim & Shir Hashirim Added

Added two seforim Shoftim & Shir Hashirim to the database.

Hope you'll share your worthwhile comments
or findings. Thanks.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The United Nations' Attempt to Corrupt Jewish History

Concerning the UN's recent declaration regarding Jerusalem, where parts thereof were given Gentile ownership, the simple solution is, simply, as I commented on another site:

A simple solution is
-- to exit the U.N. --
simply by invoking the Bible (Torah)
as it was foretold by a Gentile prophet,
in Balak 23:9, that the Jewish nation
“will dwell on their own” and where
“Gentiles have no account.”
כי מראש צרים אראנו ומגבעות אשורנו הן עם לבדד ישכן ובגוים לא יתחשב

And, if that weren’t enough, Israel

can quote Moses (Ha’azinu 32:12), that
“God Himself will mentor the Jewish
ד׳ בדד ינחנו ואין עמו קל נכר

I easily and immediately found the quotations using the "" program:

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Google Analytics Added

I note a significant degradation in my Home Page's opening, now that I added Google's Analytics' code into my code. It's only an additional 300 Kb, but the time it takes to run the script definitely reduces the speed of my earlier version without this code.

The degradation appears every time Home Page is visited or revisited. I particularly note my two buttons take too long to disappear.

For now I'll keep it active, nevertheless, just to see what benefits accrue with Google's tracking code.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mistake Found in my HTML File

Many thanks to Zahava P.,
a user, for pointing out an oversight in my list of parshas - the first global parameter on toraware's Home Page wherein the Parsha "Vayelech" went missing.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Quaint Shortcomings of This Search System

I ought to point out that my results may on rare occasion render less than all the actual results available because 3 Torah verses have "pesiktas" in them, where two "child-possukim" are actually joined into one "parent-possuk".

They are here:
Bereishis 35:22
Bamidbar 26:1
Devarim 2:8

What this means is, were your search to actually find "hits" in these 3 locations, those involved with the contained sub-sentences within them would go missing. Why? Because I do not check values of "child-possukim" within the "parent-possuk".

Take the gematria method for example. It may be the gematria of either of the two embedded verses in the one possuk could produce a hit, but these potential hits of a "child-possuk" will go missing. I only calculate the gematria of the "parent-possuk".

Concrete example:
Suppose you type in a gematria value of 383, and choosing its option: "single whole possuk".

When my program inspects the single verse Bamidbar 26:1
ויהי אחרי המגפה   ויאמר יהוה אל משה ואל אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן לאמר
... it will NOT find a match in this verse because the "whole" possuk of reference, that of the 13 words, exceeds 383. I do not inspect separately the value of the 1st 3 words, which here actually equal 383, because I ignore pesiktas!

I don't check these 6 "child" possukim on their own because when I first created my database I never considered pesiktas. And now for me to change the database structure, and all the code that references it, would be too much trouble.

(Actually there is a roundabout way to find these "hidden hits" but then you'll have to sort these out from the results buried in a longer list of results; You can use the other gematria option available: "words within a possuk"; This option will indeed find and list the hit.)

Just letting you know of this program's shortcomings.

A New Search Method Implemented - "Geometric Possukim"

Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh's class/video to Jewish children (link) on mathematics in Torah gave me an idea for a new search method to introduce. In the 1st 16 minutes of the tape he defines what "triangular" and "squared" possukim mean. Accordingly, I now scan the scripture looking for either of these two features per possuk.

I took into consideration the biggest and smallest possukim in letter-count in Tanach (193 and 11 respectively) and devised a small loop of logic to configure the results adequately. I did not lay out these possukim to display as triangular or square-shaped but I do tell you which they are.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Shmuel A & B Added into the Database

Glad to say I just added another two additions to extend my database to now also include the sefer of Shmuel, dividing it as Shmuel A & Shmuel B.

That increases my array database by some 1,500 more records (roughly 1/4 million bytes). But this javascript program for the most part remains surprisingly lightning fast.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Errors In My Tehilim Text Found and Corrected

To my utter dismay, I found many mistakes in the text I have for Tehilim in that many (over 30) of my ksiv words were wrong. I'm lucky I decided on whim to take a look at a strange ksiv-kri word and this lead me to find more such errors. Inasmuch as my text is supposed to be strictly ksiv, I rushed to make the changes. I hope my other books are true to source.

Kol tuv from Eretz Hakodesh! Chag Kasher veSameach!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Removed "Ad Column" for Improved Speed

My title says it all. I decided to do without my "ads" column.

Just sticking with the nitty-gritty.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Upgraded Validation

Just added focus to the field that contained falsely validated data. That is, when a validation error occurred, as when no input was entered by the user yet he hit "Go", the error message would then be followed with the cursor sitting in the field where the input must be entered.