Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Toraware's App Now Accessible for an Android Install

Two days ago my toraware app got published in Google's Play Store.
(I needed a Private Policy for my site because children can use it too.)

For some strange reason, inside the Play Store, upon searching for "toraware", scores of Chinese apps appear in the results well before mine. My app appear somewhere near the bottom of that very long list.

To get around that problem, I added an image link on my website, in the form of an icon at the bottom right, and now the user can link to the Play Store -- with my app already "found" for him, to have it installed. There's no need for the user to do a search for my app because the my link's API finds the app with pinpoint precision, bringing the user one click away from an install!

The new Home Page of today, sporting its new icon link, is shown below:

The iPhone version will not be pursued. For one thing, it requires a $100 yearly fee. And this website, as well as its app, are free and generate no income. Google's Play Store charges a one-time $25 fee. I think Apple should pay the developers, and not that developers should pay Apple!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Birthday Present from Hashem, 21 Tammuz 5780

By divine providence, I managed to upload my toraware app to Google Play store. It happens to be my birthday, the 21st of Tammuz. It's now in queue, "up for review".

The Chassidic dictum comes to mind, "Think good; Will be good!"

Exhibit A:
Source: Transaction with Google Play's Console.

It took some hours, but this submission began on my birthday!

By divine providence, after an exchange of emails with a responder to one of my posted questions, as I surf the internet for solutions, this contact suddenly points me to a site - his own site - and sure enough, a few days later, I was well on my way to bringing my goal to fruition. More like a dream than a goal. Because I've been for many years coding and hoping this app would end up portable on a handheld device.

So it happened, that I succeeded following Android's path, after failing to fulfil the Apple Store's pretzel-loop discombobulate requirements. So, Boruch Hashem, and it all happened within a week, and toraware shall be available for download from the Google Play store, where it ought to be catalogued under "REFERENCE" (or perhaps "BOOKS and REFERENCE")

By the way, the product that helped out immensely (by divine providence!) is by a zealous fellow called George Henne, who runs His web service, which runs from a "cloud": zips your project, uploads to VoltBuilder, and downloads executables for Android or iOS. So here I shout out a thank you to George! (I had visited 3 or 4 other sites promising to do the same; I croaked with each; But his runs like a smooth engine.)